Mag. Katharina Baier, MSc.
Plößlgasse 3/18
1040 Vienna, Austria
Business purpose:
Management consulting and services in the field of personnel, organizational and personal development
Legal status:
Individual entrepreneur
VAT-Number: ATU78628228
Tobias Danz / Liesl le Roux / Svetlana Gradwohl
The content of this website cannot replace a personal consultation. I do not assume any liability for arrangements made solely on the basis of the information provided on this website.
The aim of bodywork is to expand and focus attention and body awareness. Sessions do not claim to be healing, alternative medicine or massage therapy, nor does bodywork see itself as part of the helping social professions or as a substitute for psychotherapy. Bodywork is not suitable for people suffering from life-threatening or serious illnesses that require medical or psychiatric help. Furthermore, it is not a substitute for any kind of necessary treatment. The method has no ideological, sectarian or mystical background.